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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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We last found our favorite U-turning, wine sipping, Amsterdam bound Wackos aboard the bus… er…uhhh, plane to JFK, but was the rest of the FLL Gate changing saga uneventful?
Welllll, kinda-sorta… considering the bus was late and the gate agents were scrambling to get as many travelers have their carry-ons checked in to expedite a quick turn-around once it arrived.  This particular ballet was amusing in that:
Traveler A bit on the offer only to spend 5 minutes trying to understand what would happen to his bag,
While traveler B walked up, handed over the bag and almost walked away without the claim-check,
and traveler C walked back and forth from his party of 5 and the gate with one-bag-at-a-time. [As if the 3 teenagers with him couldn’t help with this exercise].  Oh wait… did I say they were teens, of course, what got into me… they just couldn’t look up from there electronics to help poor sweating dad.

Well, the bus arrived 5 minutes ahead of its late schedule but getting passengers off was a chore in that they had 3 wheelchair assists that insisted in getting off first which held up the rest of the busload so a rapid turnaround seemed doomed, but the hearty gate agents persevered, got the cleanup crew hustling and when boarding was announced, didn’t bother to check the zones as the huddled masses at Gate D1 charged forward like a fevered fan-mob charging the stage at a Justin Beiber concert when they heard free tickets for next year…
With Chucky in the lead. Hey, he wanted to insure a spot for his “Stuff”, as the ever watchful flight attendant suspiciously eyed his overstuffed [he had rearranged it all after leaving TSA] LUGgage being jammed into the “Tiny” overhead bins, but he prevailed, and was strapped in before the main rush hit his section.

Take off was another thing with our late bus now #8 in line for blast off but once the driver made the last turn, it was Rocket time and they were Blazing Off Into the Wild Blue Yonder… or sumpin’ like that.

The Flight crew wasted no time in heading down the aisle with “coffee, tea, my roommate or me” [Oh wait, that was in the ‘60’s on National and Eastern airlines,] all they offered now was coffee, water, coke and those tiny little packets of funky pretzels.

Now the next challenge for our fun-loving duo was how to navigate the transfer from terminal 2 to terminal 4 at JFK, not knowing how far there arrival gate was from gate C60 where the shuttle busses would load for the “6 minute” trip [so it said online] and how much time the crew in the front could make up in the air so the Wacky American Tourist and Ever-Lovely Dragon Lady could make their connection.

Well now Dear Hearts, since the previous post was composed onboard the flight to A’dam, you can surmise that, They Made IT!!! HUZZAH [Aww common with the HUZZAH stuff]

Their arrival gate was C62, the hustle to the Bus at Gate C60 was fairly easy, the transfer to gate B18 “7 Minutes” with a short walk to Gate B24, [not quite out near the Hamptons] and all was well in his nervous little world., until…

Uhh… before this gets too long, you'll just have to wait for Part Trois for:
The Rest Of The Depareture Chaos Saga.

Ohhhh you're gonna love the next one.

Uhhh, Scotch please.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The still foggy and groggy,
Dragon Lady

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