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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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Ah Yes... Thank you Frankie Ford for introducing our 2nd Day at Sea.

Plans for today were to have a late breakfast via room service, and meet TE10 in the Aquarius for lunch around 11:30. 

Sooooo... late last night in his bleary stupor from NOWAT posting and just before he crashes, Chucky fills out the door hanger, and for some reason he puts the wrong cabin number on the card [Gawd only knows why] and breakfast never comes.  However…
The Templeshifs order never arrived either, but 2 coffees, 4 mini-croissant with butter & jam and un-mixed from frozen concentrate OJ DID. 
Guess whose order they got?!?.
HE’s not sure if he ever admitted his blunder to them, so this shaky but heartfelt apology will have to suffice.

As such, the sleep in lasted longer than anticipated, but his back-up alarm roused them in enough time for a shower, shave etc and it was down to the Aquarius to meet TE10 and try to secure a table for 10.

Lunch was just OK, with many opting for the Salad bar and shying away from the desserts, but the service was Lovely and it was time to walk it off with a stroll around the ship before Chucky decided to take the laptop to the Park Café one floor up outside the Spa to settle in for some NOWAT catch-up.
Dragon Chic came along and settled in for some “Words with Friends” and some book reading and before you know  it, time to go down to dress for dinner.
Dinner was “Smart Casual”, whatever that means, so Chucky had pulled out the less dressy of the three Guayaberas he packed for Sea Day dinners along with his "Formal" Dinner Cap [from Firenze of course]. 

The We4 Happy Hour Club met in the Casino for a quick round of “What can Donna Win Today” before adjourning to the Schooner where… Super Waiter XXX was on a break.  Time to break in Lovely Olivia with our ridiculously complicated Cocktail order which… She pulled off PERFECTLY.  
Did we mention this bar staff is TOPS! But still no shacks… 
So Donna whips out her “Costco” stash and we vote to suspend the meeting in lieu of banter with some of the bridal party across the way.

As We4 strolled into the Aquarius they are greeted as usual by the Lovely Jennivieve of the dazzling smile and Perky Rahel who greeted them by name, leading them to a different table than usual as the first seating was lingering, but still with “Stan the Man” and Julius [The Batman and Robin of My Time Dining - Head Waiter Revellino taking the part of Commissioner Gordon].
There they found themselves seated next to a lively pair of jokesters, Derek and Chuck with their lovely spouses, with whom they promptly struck up what would be a delightful acquaintance to be continued for several nights to come.

This was Prime Rib night and having been forewarned, Lenny asked Revellino to insure that he got a decent sized cut, and not one thin enough to read the menu through.  Although this shouldn’t be necessary, the past several nights fare warranted a little pre-emptive action.  Donna opted for more Bolognaise, DL went for the Sole Meunier while Chucky tried the linguini again which came out Al Dente this time [after asking Revellino to insure it was cooked], some of Donna’s sauce and a cut or two of Lennie’s Prime rib as Revellino came through with Fairly Thick cut.

The house recommendation for dessert was the Tiramisu. Uhhhh… NO!
More Gelatin than Mascarpone, with negligible espresso soaked lady fingers… another embarrassment for the kitchen. 
We have become convinced they are operating without a Pastry Chef on board, using only frozen Whatevah because no self-respecting Pastry Dude would let this get to the dining room.

But… the Remy Martin VSOP in the casino was authentic and soothing and all was well in Chucky’s world, as this time Lenny scored nicely, along with Dragon Chic up significantly only to give it all back. 

Tomorrow is Glasgow with a tour of the Glengoyne Distillery,  where the ghost of Cochrane Cartwright, Glengoyne’s first distillery manager, is said to haunt the grounds... {Is Chucky excited… Or What?} 
But… since we dock at 7:00 AM and our tour isn’t till 1:30…
Time to harass Enselmo and have one last nightcap in the Schooner before heading up to Nonny-Nonny for some and NOWAT posting for others.

The decision was made to meet in the Park Café for breakfast around 9:30 {not taking a chance on Chucky bollixing the door hanger again] and later for lunch with TE10 before heading to the bus.

Look Out Glenngoyne... <-their website} 
Can you tell Chucky is stoked?

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The upset she was ahead and still lost,
Dragon Lady

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