You were probably directed here by some mis-guided soul
who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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Ya Better grab a beverage and sit back... this got longer than anticipated but he was on a roll and had to get it out in one post.  A formal Wrap-Up may, or may not follow.

5AM came awfully hard but Chucky was awake since 4:30.  Last minute checks of the room and a leisurely check out has our Wacky duo on the way across the sky-bridge into Schiphol airport for the long trudge to the Delta gates.

Having observed the Mega Long lines for check in yesterday and being warned by the Lovely KLM Agent Lady that "it was like that all the time so be VERY early", they hustled up the multiple conveyor belt like escalators to the check in area only to find…
An empty hall with 3 agents and 2 check-ins in line.  So much for getting here 3 hours early, thanks to the now Not So Lovely KLM Agent Lady. 

While checking in the bags [no need tocarry-on everything when headed home] and trying to correct the boarding zone issues [she was in 1 – he in 3] Chucky’s passport continued to cause issues in the system. The nice agent lady instructed that it was  a Delta problem and would be corrected at the boarding gate, directing them to Gate E1 for a Delta security interview [a first for them] and then on to Gate E19. 
Sooooo… up another conveyor belt, all the way over there, back down another escalator which really got them turned around and sent them waaayyyyy back that-a-way and by time they trudged across the entry level lobby and up another conveyor belt to the E concourse level, Chucky had forgotten all about going to E1 for the Security interview and headed straight into the security screening where…
he also forgot to take his eye drops and handkerchief out of his pockets before entering the vertical body scan so of course…
   “Please step over here sir.”
Yup, he gets the pat down from jovial agent.

And of course all the electronics in the carryon with the toiletries warranted tighter inspection. 

Once thru screening [at least there were no body cavity searches – yet] and through Dutch Customs - Really Delightful guys - they started the long trek all the waaaaayyyy down to gate E19.

As the breakfast kiosks were just opening, they headed to check out the gate first hoping something was closer but no chance so they back tracked for a couple of croissants and coffee.

With plenty of time on their hands they relaxed until the gate agents arrived and once again attempted to get the boarding pass issues resolved.  No Problem says the nice Gate Agent Lady who marks up their boarding passes rather than issuing new ones and they sit down to wait for the boarding call.

Chucky notices special machinery being rolled in and a plethora of security types filling up the gate area.  And as their zone is called, they are pulled out of line with:
   “Please step over here for security

W T F?!?
Seems that in bypassing the Delta Security Interview at Gate E1, their boarding passes weren’t properly marked, triggering this secondary Screening.  Really nothing more that Questions about where they were coming from, did they pack their own bags, where did they pack them etc.

Having now been thoroughly Secruity Screened [still no body cavity search - YEA!] they were ushered onto Flight DL 133 for an uneventful flight to Detroit, where upon deplaning, the fun started up again. 

Since Detroit was the first point of entry into the U.S. of A., you have to retrieve your LUGgage and process Customs and Immigration and rechecking it all in again before you canproceed to your next gate…. Waaaaayyyyy down there.
All in 45 minutes.

Since nice knowing our connection was going to be tight the KLM Check In Lady had tagged our bags as Priority so they actually came in on a different carousel than the others which took a bit finding.  Now with all the LUGgagein hand we headed for the Global Entry kiosks to process Custom and Immigration.  Great idea that, But…
Once again Chucky’s Passport hiccups in the system and he is directed to the closest Desk where the agent struggled to get him into the country.  With a grimace, Chucky was Welcomed Home and then...

Now the mad dash to get the LUGgage rechecked, which was easier than expected; just hand them to the Bag Dude outside Customs, who threw them on the conveyor belt and  they were off to find our gate in just enough time for the Zone 1 boarding call and settle into their seats for the last leg home.

The able pilot found Ft Lauderdale / Hollywood airport without a hitch but when we went looking for the LUGgage, it wasn’t on the correct carousel.  Again it took some searching to find, waaaayyyy over there. 
   "We announced the change!"
Said the surly baggage handler. 
Unfortunately don’t get those announcements in the Restrooms… Oh well.

Time to call UBER.

UBER found us on the curb, right were we said we would be and delivered us home safely.  But the Drama ain't over yet…
Oh No!

By now you, would think that after the debacle at the end of Rivercruise 2016 where she left her camera case [and jacket] on the bus to Basel, remembering it in the transfer van halfway to Zurich, that she would be a bit more conscious of where she puts the camera on the way home. 

While Chucky is unpacking the electronics and accounting for the extemporaneous gear, he asks:
  “Uh… Honey, where did you put the
  “Uh… don’t you have it?
   “No dear… you were carrying it, did
   you leave it in the UBER… again.

Yes Dear Hearts and innocent bystanders, once again, the camera is in a vehicle traveling away from where they are, with little if no way of retrieving it without a significant exercise in patient communications with an ethereal being.  In this case, UBER central.  Go ahead, try contacting them for anything other than a ride.
After trying to reach the Driver directly – not an option once your ride is concluded, Chucky was able to use the UBER issue resolution process – He won’t go into it here, just trust that there is one and if you're really interested, use your UBER app to get the low down.
Once finally in contact with the driver, he arranges to have him drop it off at the end of his shift and actually meets him in the parking lot of Capone’s Pizzaria, his local Go-To place for a quick bite after a long trip.

With the camera in hand and a nice tip for the driver, they conclude their dinner and head home, where all is good in her world.
For now.

He had hoped to incorporate the usual wrap-up in this post but it looks like there may be one more to follow… or not.  It all depends on what he thinks is necessary to highlight that hasn’t already been discussed in the marathon of past posts.

Pictures are being sorted and put up in the album and some are being added to previous posts for amplification, all of which are now in chronological order for posterity.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The happy to have her camera back,
Dragon Lady

1 comment:

  1. WOW...another adventure with lots of stories to tell! The hiccups are always a wonderful ice-breaker when gathering with friends and family!!! :) Sara
