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We last saw our stalwart strolling shoppers sitting on the patio of a café on DAM Square, waiting on the rest of TE10 to show up for the Red Light Tour with Lealu of That Dam Guide.  Her real name is Leandra and we knew her as Lealu last year for our walking tour of A’dam prior to RiverCruise 2016.  Constant mispronunciation of Lealu caused her to change it to Lee.
Janice of J&D had set up the tour for us with Mark, the owner of That Dam Guide and on our suggestion, requested Lee.

After several texts back and forth, we finally hooked up with TE10 just as Lee appeared and after introductions around and big hugs for us, we headed out to tour the “Erotic Zone” of A’dam.

Since A’dam was a major port at the end of the Rhine river, the crush of many sailors in port looking for diversion led to the establishment of the Red Light District, which of course surrounded the Oude Kerk or Old Church [where there is Sin you must have Salvation]
The Dutch, being practical, realized they couldn’t eliminate prostitution so they decided to control and regulate it containing it in a certain central areas. 

Lee was her usual peppy self and after patiently waiting for TE10 to finish their intra-group discussion, she began our stroll through the centrum and into the Red Light district, with stops at various points of interest, including Head Shops, specialty condom shops, and of course De Wallen, the largest and most well known Red Light District [RLD] in Amsterdam, lined with windows illuminated with Red Lights in which the “Sex Workers” displayed themselves, as provocatively as possible in order to initiate a negotiation and subsequently a “sale”.

It was another spectacular Lealu… err… uhh Lee presentation.  Her in-depth tour, with specific insights into the origins, and details of the area including the rules and how the regulations are enforced were spot on and of great interest to the group.

Links about the Red Light district explain most of it including this Guide to the Red Light and this Behind the Red Light District 

Suffice it to say, TE10 was overwhelmed with Lee’s tour with questions flying left and right but she handled it all like the pro she is.

Lee concluded the tour by walking the group to the Barbizon hotel on the outskirts of the RLD for a “comfort stop” prior to bidding us a fond farewell, with warm Hugs for Chucky and DL for the recommendation.

Since it was 10PM and still daylight, the group disbursed to find their way back to their respective hotels to prepare for tomorrows Embarkation Hustle or last minute Tchotchske shopping.

Chucky and Dragon Chic walked the Templeshifs back to their bus stop and headed to the #26 Tram stop for the short ride back to the Lloyd Hotel.

Once back in their cozy room, Chucky finished getting everything packed for tomorrow and the trip to the passenger terminal.

More on this tomorrow… time to crash.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The Feeling much better Thank You,
Dragon Lady

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