You were probably directed here by some mis-guided soul
who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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We interrupt this top-off of Edinburgh Day 2 to bring you an important message from 
The Wacky American Tourist.

As alluded to previously, these NOWAT posts will be a bit behind… so far behind that they are now being drafted from his wee l’il office in Hollywood.  Too many Happy Hours in the Schooner, late nights and early wake up’s for tours caused a lapse in his usually prolific writing skills. 
As such, expect a few corrections here and there as we progress since his "so-Called 90% recall" is slowly dropping digits with his advanced age, and he will be making repeated calls to the Templeshifs to refresh his memory of a particular day’s activities.
The "Good News" is, he'll be able to add a few pics until he can sort them all for the re-ordering of it all and links to the NOWAT photo album.

We now return you to “The Rest of The Story”. 
{with apologies to the Late Paul Harvey}

Last seen headed to the Schooner bar to be greeted by Super Waiter XXX and those fine Dry Rob Roy’s, We4 settled in for some lively banter and recounting of their individual sorties of the day, some So-So Hors d’oeuvres from the Diamond Lounge and in short time it was off to the Aquarius Dining room for what was to become a habit – a mediocre meal. 
In fact a meal so un-memorable that we all agreed any further reporting of the poorly prepared fare would only add a depressing tone and that’s not what we’re here for.  If a particular meal is Great, it will be reported, otherwise...

The service however was as outstanding as ever with Constancio, Julius and Head Waiter Revelino doing their best to make up for this nights debacle.

Then it was off to the Casino where after dinner drinks were consumed while Chucky Scored again at Slot-Poker, as did DL.  Donna of course was her usual WINNING self and was THE BIG Scorer of the evening.  

Not wanting to push our luck, we headed into the Schooner to catch the Piano Bar action with the Ever-Lively Enselmo at the “88”.
This guy is a riot, with a great voice and an amazing range, doing a mix of great tunes along with some Very Corny Jokes.  

Then someone called for some James Brown and Chucky’s motor got going and he was up doing his impersonation of the James Brown Shuffle, {well you do know the old man's feet can still cut some moves} which got the house rockin’.

Then someone called out Mack the Knife, to which Donna responded,
  “Hey, let Chucky sing that for Lenny”
and… well you know what happens next.

Sadly, Chucky’s throat was pretty gravely from a dusty day in Edinburgh aggravating his sinus' condition, so it came out more like Louis Armstrong than Bobby Darin, but it still brought the house down, with an invite from Enselmo to come back tomorrow when his voice was healed and better suited for a few smooth tunes.

Tomorrow's itinerary reads: Inverness / Loch Ness, but we actually dock at the Port of Invergordonwhich is primarily used for Oil Rig Repair and storage, situated on the Cromarty Firth, approximately 40 minutes’ drive North of Inverness. From there well take a trip to Loch Ness where everyone is expecting to catch a glimpse of "Nessie the Monster" 

Barbara Swears that's Nessie's head 
in the lower right corner
on the way to Urquhart Castle which played a large part in the Wars of Scottish Independence in the 13th century.
Wow, that's a lot of links, so settle 
in for some serious reading

Since the tour isn’t ‘til 3:00 PM with TE10, we had a little more time for one more Cognac and it was off to Nonny-Nonny.  

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The happy to have a sleep-in day,
Dragon Lady

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